George Denman
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$6,000 Check Donation to St. Joseph

The Council is pleased and honored to announce that after finalizing an analysis of revenue and expenses from the 3rd Annual Car & Truck Show and we have drafted a check for $6000 to St. Joseph’s Home.  This check was presented in a ceremony on July 31st at St. Joseph’s Home. In attendance were (LtoR), Bob Pearson, Financial Secretary, Bill Bross, Lecturer, Jim Weber, DGK, George Denman, GK, Dan Connors , CEO/President of St. Joseph Home, Jim Marks, PGK.

  Bill Bross stated, “Outstanding presentation by George Denman and I also had an outstanding tour of St. Joseph by Lucienne Driehaus, Major Gifts Officer. St. Joseph has 48 beds/rooms to handle the services that they provide.   It is a very demanding service that is provided by many personnel who make $10.75 an hour. Thanks for the opportunity to see first-hand the care and support they do with our help.”

The St. Susanna Knights of Columbus Classic Car and Truck show raises money for a very worthy cause in Warren County:  St. Joseph’s Home.  St. Joseph Home creates a home for adults and children with developmental disabilities who have complex support needs and use a wheelchair for mobility. The Home, a non-profit ministry of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, offers a creative, loving environment for those in the residential, respite programs, and day programs. Attention to the individual’s medical, social, educational and spiritual development reveals the unique giftedness of each person. Compassionate care and respect for the dignity of life are the hallmarks of St. Joseph Home.

Thank you to all the Knights (and family) who helped make this event a huge success, including: George & Kathy Denman (& Annabelle!), Stephen DeStefano, Doug Wetli, Paul Sobol, Mark Ramirez, Keith Chasse, Jim Weber, Frank Curci, Nick Meyer, Bob Pearson, Mike Wolbers, George Pitstick, Bill Bross, Peter Donato, John & Mary Ann Mushaben,  Mary & Ashley Mowery.   Special thank you to Jason Drach and his two children Hannah and Noah for volunteering.  Also thank you Father Bob and Father Eric and Theresa Johns for their parish support. 

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