
Blessed Virgin Mary Project Update

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We had a solid crew of Steve deStefano, John Mushaben, Bob Pearson, Bill Bross, Jim Weber and myself and got a lot accomplished on the shrine. It was miserably hot and the crew did their best to stay hydrated. The sublayer of the roof is on as well tar paper while we await the installation of the metal roof. We are struggling to find a roofer that has time to work us in to install the metal roof. Special tools and skills are needed there. Let us know if you have a local roof contractor with metal roofing experience willing to work with us. We finished work on the 4 facades, got the soffits installed and one of the columns installed. One a difference these columns add! We are planning to take additional donations at the festival to help cover additional landscaping and maintenance expenses. Thank you again to all our sponsors and volunteers that have worked or donated to the project.

I am planning to talk to Father Eric and Bob to discuss the dedication ceremonies but we are thinking about involving the St. Susanna school choir, our pastors, and the 4th degree Knights in a special dedication ceremony after one of the masses to open it up to the parish to attend. George J. Denman

Fish Fry

March 2018

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Fish Fry Fund Raiser. The fish fry was a great success.  We were able to server hundreds of families and also sell many of our Cash Bonanza tickets.  A special thank you to Sir Knight Bill Bross who sold the most Bonanza tickets, directly benefiting our council with cash proceeds!

St. Sue Turkey Fry

November 23, 2017

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Turkey Fry.  In November, Brother Knight Mark Ramirez, volunteered at the St. Susanna Turkey Fry.  This is an annual event to cook Thanksgiving turkeys for November’s Turkey Dinner Ministry to feed Mason’s struggling families. Way to go Mark!  Thank you for your service and representing the Knights.

Chesterwood Village

April 15, 2016

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Chesterwood Village.  On November 28, 2014, members of the St. Susanna Knights of Columbus were on hand to assist elderly residents of Cesterwood Village from their room to the Chapel to attend mass led by our own Chaplin, Father Bishop.  They also assisted with the mass, and with getting the residents back to their room.  This service provided the opportunity for many elderly who normally would not have the ability to attend a regular mass at St. Susanna, to have the Mass come to them with some assistance from our Brother Knights.   This effort was planned and executed beautifully by SK Bill Bross.  Photos were taken by Brother Knight Mark Ramirez’s daughter, Emily Ramirez.  She did a wonderful job of capturing the beauty of the event.

Wine Tasting Fund Raiser

November 15, 2014

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Wine Tasting Fund Raiser.  Nothing brings people together like wine. On November 15, the St. Susanna Knights of Columbus proved that raising money for worthy causes like St. Joseph’s Orphanage and St. Susanna Outreach Ministries can be a very enjoyable, entertaining, and rewarding experience.   It is only the second wine tasting event held by the Knights, and we already doubled attendance over the first event as people brought more friends and word has begun to spread about this fun evening!  We were also blessed to have Father Bishop join in our fellowship.