
Monthly Council Meeting

Second Monday of Every Month @7PM

Keith Chasse 0 23130 Article rating: No rating

Monthly Council Business Meeting.  Second Monday of each month at 7:00pm in the Rose Room of the Meyer Center at St. Susanna.

Pizza Booth Thank You!

George Denman 0 3693 Article rating: 5.0

This is a HUGE THANK YOU for all your hard work and participation at this year’s Pizza Both for St. Susanna Festival! I want to send out a special THANK YOU for an awesome job working in our very wet Pizza Booth.

Blessed Virgin Mary Project Update

SuperUser Account 0 1968 Article rating: No rating

We had a solid crew of Steve deStefano, John Mushaben, Bob Pearson, Bill Bross, Jim Weber and myself and got a lot accomplished on the shrine. It was miserably hot and the crew did their best to stay hydrated. The sublayer of the roof is on as well tar paper while we await the installation of the metal roof. We are struggling to find a roofer that has time to work us in to install the metal roof. Special tools and skills are needed there. Let us know if you have a local roof contractor with metal roofing experience willing to work with us. We finished work on the 4 facades, got the soffits installed and one of the columns installed. One a difference these columns add! We are planning to take additional donations at the festival to help cover additional landscaping and maintenance expenses. Thank you again to all our sponsors and volunteers that have worked or donated to the project.

I am planning to talk to Father Eric and Bob to discuss the dedication ceremonies but we are thinking about involving the St. Susanna school choir, our pastors, and the 4th degree Knights in a special dedication ceremony after one of the masses to open it up to the parish to attend. George J. Denman

Knights Support the Lenten Fish Fry

Keith Chasse 0 2355 Article rating: No rating

Thank you to all the Brother Knights from St. Susanna who helped out each Friday at the Fish Fry this year!    The fish fry was a great success.  We were able to server hundreds of families and also sell many of our Cash Bonanza tickets.  A special thank you to Sir Knight Bill Bross who sold the most Bonanza tickets, directly benefiting our council with cash proceeds!

$6,000 Check Donation to St. Joseph

George Denman 0 1139 Article rating: No rating

The Council is pleased and honored to announce that after finalizing an analysis of revenue and expenses from the 3rd Annual Car & Truck Show and we have drafted a check for $6000 to St. Joseph’s Home.  This check was presented in a ceremony on July 31st at St. Joseph’s Home. In attendance were Bob Pearson, Financial Secretary, Bill Bross, Lecturer, Jim Weber, DGK, George Denman, GK, Dan Connors , CEO/President of St. Joseph Home, Jim Marks, PGK.